Intrication on No.








FORMAT: Limited edition CD and Digital release
RELEASE: Feb 22 2018

Pre order the limited edition CD or Digital release here

No. welcomes Canadian France Jobin to the label. 

The Montreal based artist will release her 9th album on No.. With her release entitled ‘Intrication’, she grapples with some truly cosmic concepts involving Quantum Entanglement (go on, Google it..) amongst other truly magical ideas which physics tend to invent these days.

Musically the release can be described as ‘microsound ambient’ but we think it’s much larger than that. It is at once comprised of microscopic sonic particles yet combines that with the warmth we know and love from the ‘Ambient’ cosmos.

Whilst the sub atomic particles of noise bounce around your mind, the total work weaves a warm blanket of audio enjoyment on both the micro and macroscopic levels revealing a world at once both too tiny to comprehend and too large to grasp. Presented here as No. 916 for your scientific scrutiny.

releases February 22, 2018 

Produced by France Jobin.
Cover Image by Mark Hogben.
Artwork by Material Object.
Mastering by Atom™.


Scènes on LINE


“From Here to Tranquility – Volume 7” Compilation – Silent Records (USA)



“From Here to Tranquility – Volume 7” Compilation – Silent Records (USA)
September 23rd 2016
Digital only iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Tidal, Spotify, etc.
24 new tracks by:
Scanner, Mystical Sun, Jack Hertz, Dead Voices on Air, Ethernet, Randy Grief
Dead Letters Spell Out Dead Words, Kris Force, Mike Rooke, Robin Parmar
Hawthonn, Tulpa Atma, Metcalfe/Chasny, Gunshae, Aume
Pragma, Hakobune, Nad Spiro, Miguel Isaza, France Jobin
Solipsism Solipsism, Ben Guiver, Dirk Series, Yui Onodera




Original score by France Jobin and Stephan Mathieu
for Cedrick Eymenier’s film The Answer

Answers by France Jobin, Sea Songs by Stephan Mathieu

«Tu regardes devant toi. En même temps, tu fixes quelque chose qui est au dedans de toi-même. Un souvenir ou je ne sais pas quoi. En tout cas, quelque chose d’invisible aux autres. Tu héberges quelque chose qui n’est visible que par toi.»

Gaëlle Obiégly

Design by Caro Mikalef for Cabina

Published by Touch Music/Fairwood Music

© ℗ Schwebung 2016


Schwebung Étendue II

releases June 22, 2016

Singulum on LINE



France Jobin
CD + Digital
Edition of 400
February 2016

Returning to LINE after her critically acclaimed 2012’s Valence (LINE_054), France Jobin brings us the four sparse elegant works that comprise Singulum. 

Quantum physics inspires me to draw a parallel between the fundamental building blocs of physics, sounds and music. I put field recordings through a series of editing and manipulation processes which result in very different sounds from their origins. These manipulations affect time, timbre, harmonics and the essence of each sound, whereas composition influences how they relate to each other.

Singulum represents an unattainable goal, the process of decay while conserving a continuation of information.

All sounds recorded at various locations in North America, Europe, and Japan and at EMS (Stockholm) using the Serge and the Buchla 200 modular synthesizers as well as the Nord Modular.

Cover image: Mark Hogben.

Thank you to EMS (Stockholm), Sporobole (Sherbrooke), EMPAC (Troy), Andreas Tilliander, Argeo Ascani, Fabio Perletta (Farmacia 901), Ennio Mazonn (CConfin).
Special thanks to Richard Chartier and Mark Hogben.

1.  n (16:58)
2.  l (06:30)
3.  m (08:55)
4.  s (13:35)


mirror neurons on DER



Duration 46:15

Format CD + Digital
Edition 500
Release Date April 21, 2015
Cover xx+xy visual

Track Listing
01 Parallel
02 Reflection
03 Mimesis

Bonus Video
All orders through DER’s Bandcamp will receive an excerpt of Mirror Neurons.
Visuals :  xx+xy visuals 
Sound : France Jobin and Fabio Perletta


“Mirror neurons will do for psychology what DNA did for biology”
— Vilayanur S. Ramachandran, neuroscientist

Mirror neurons represent a distinctive class of cells that fire both when an animal executes an action and when it observes another individual performing the same action. Discovered by Italian neurophysiologist Giacomo Rizzolatti and his team at the University of Parma while doing a research on the neural representation of motor movements in monkeys, the precise function and influence of these neurons has become one of the most important topic in neuroscience. They have been linked to many behaviours and abilities, from empathy to learning by imitation and language acquisition, as well as implicated in conditions such as autism and other brain disorders. These findings suggest that the mirror neuron system plays a key role in our ability to experience empathy.

Initiated by sound artists France Jobin and Fabio Perletta, Mirror Neurons is a media-project investigating the notion of empathy and physical distance. The entire album is the result of extended sound files exchange between Montréal (Canada) and Roseto degli Abruzzi (Italy). Each of the pieces is based on rough sounds and their consequent re-working, listening and reaction, processing and imitation. The ongoing process helped the artists to draw inspiration in terms of stimuli for the act of composing itself in two very distant cities, different climate, time zones and languages.

Like much of Jobin and Perletta’s recent works, Mirror Neurons explores the artists’ interest in intersection between science and art, as well as the infinitely small and invisible. In order to further develop the concept of distance/connectivity, visual artists XX+XY from Rome have been involved in the process. They created a multi-dimensional, generative and ever-changing sound visualization through the use of quiet textures and subtle movements emphasizing the slowed sense of time of the work itself. Thought to be performed live in a big space, the video aims to create an immersive environment and a unique occasion to reflect about the behaviour of our emotions and the importance of human interaction.

Artists Info

First review on Igloo Magazine

sans repères on popmuzik records

France Jobin
sans repères
LP (180g Heavy Vinyl)
Edition of 300
September 21st 2014

Field recordings in Fukuoka and in Yanagawa during a boat ride in the canals.

Created entirely with actual field recordings gathered while on tour in Japan, sans repères explores the possibilities brought forth in the absence of absolute points of reference.

cover photo: Eri MAKITA (
artwork: Keiji TANAKA (

thanks to:
Sachiko, Shuhei, Riku, Tatsuki and Arata Miyagi, Keiichiro Shibuya, Sho Nakao, Yu Fuji, Kenta Inamasu, duenn, “quiet eating machine” (Takahiro Horie & Kennichiro Sakai), Yuki Aida, Emi Aida special thanks to Jun Iijima, who let me record his piano during sound check in Tokyo @ Super Deluxe, which i processed for this album.


Quark – How Does The Invisible Sound


Format: Digital (MP3, FLAC, ALAC)
Edition: Unlimited
Catalogue: Q01
Release Date: February 27, 2014
Duration: 24:29


01 Ennio Mazzon – Sadbury’s Helicity
02 France Jobin – Baryons
03 Robert Crouch – Folk Songs
04 Franz Rosati – Symmetry Breaking

Farmacia901 is pleased to announce the launch of Quark: How Does The Invisible Sound? project and so thrilled to start this path through sound particles with wonderful sound artists such as Ennio Mazzon (who created the Cconfin software), France Jobin, Robert Crouch and Franz Rosati. We also would like to thanks our media partners Flussi Festival, Nephogram EditionsDragon’s Eye Recordings, Ripples Recordings, A Closer Listen, Crónica, Hawái.

“Art does not reproduce what is visible, it makes things visible” Paul Klee

Quark: How Does The Invisible Sound? is a media project born with the specific intent of exploring the possible inter-relationship between sound and the invisible, strictly related to science and physics. It relies on monthly digital releases and a MaxMSP custom software called Cconfin, inspired by elementary particles interactions and a physical phenomenon known as Colour Confinement. The software allows the artists and musicians involved to seek and discover their own vision of the invisible through sound by treating and processing audio files via custom algorithms. Presented as a collection of digital graphic cards and heterogeneous sound art pieces, the research aims to find a deep connection as close as possible to the boundary of knowledge.à

An attempt at quantum sound in a not-visible yet perceptible world.


Digital download is available at F901 shop in MP3, ALAC and FLAC formats. Buy, share, enjoy.


The illusion of infinitesimal on Baskaru

France Jobin
The Illusion of Infinitesimal
CD (digipak)
Edition of 500
February 11th 2014

Perfection and Uncertainty

The thing about France Jobin’s music that never fails to impress is that it works on so many levels. Listen to it at the threshold of perception (the way it is mastered) or at very high volume, on headphones or through loudspeakers, and you will hear new sonic relationships, new structures, a new logic every time. Things simultaneously are and aren’t as they seem; sounds you hear are and aren’t really there.

Montréal sound/installation artist France Jobin has come a long way since her days as a blues keyboardist in the 1980s. In 1999, after a hiatus that lasted a decade, during which she raised two sons, she turned to experimental electronic music of the very quiet, rumbling, abstracted kind, and started performing and releasing music under the moniker i8u. Slowly but with great assurance, she built a much-lauded career and kept on refining her art, ever digging deeper into the core of sound. When the revered LINE label offered her an album (Valence) in 2012, she abandoned her alias and started using her own name.

In her own words:

«The Illusion of Infinitesimal represents another chance to refine the unique essence of each sound and composition, in an effort to better communicate intent without influencing its unfolding, a delicate balance between perfection and detachment.

A parallel could be drawn from particles of matter, which, “as far as we know, are infinitesimal points of zero size, yet they have measurable amounts of angular momentum. Does the concept of rotation even make sense for a featureless speck? Angular momentum seems to be a more foundational concept than rotation itself. The angular momentum, or spin, of a single particle is restricted in strange ways. It can have only certain values, and not all values are allowed for all particles.” (1)

Perfection and uncertainty.»

(1) Collage of quotes from Jim Pivarski, “Spin”, Symmetry Magazine, March 2013.


1   -1/2
2    0
3   +1




Livingvoid compilation

livingvoid – A compilation of self-portraits in audio and image designed for shuffle playing is now available to pre-order!

Jack Chutter of ATTN magazine  UK put together a special USB memory stick pack, including:

1 x engraved wooden USB memory stick
1 x small painting by Jack, created while listening to livingvoid. Each will be unique.
1 x livingvoid A4 flyer, featuring a list of all contributors.

Orders will be sent out on 30/01/2014. Order here:

Artists included are :

Adam McFillin / Alex Rumboldt / Alfie Cooke / Anatole / Andersen Viana / Anla Courtis / Anthony Galante / benjaminwillems / Brayden Bagnall / Budhaditya Chattopadhyay / Cauterised / Cindy Wegner /cjmann / Colin Taibi / conversationswithrocks / Craig Johnson / Cretin Dilettante / Daniel Barbiero / Dante Palmieri / David Fenech / david ian griess / Derek Piotr / Emile Milgrim / France Jobin / Gregg Davies / Ion Plasma Incineration / Jack Chuter / James Chuter / Jay Howard / Jean Drop / Jeremiah Cymerman / Jeremy S. Adams / Jim Barker / Joel Pearson / Josh Ronsen / Joshua Hummel / L’eclipse Nue / Laurie Tompkins / Leslie Deere / Liberez / Lisa Hogan / Luke Lund / Mark Chickenfish / Matt Warren Matthew Cheshire / Matthew Lee Knowles / MEANHAWK / Michael Roth / micromelancolie / Mike Cooper / Mike Perdue / modus op / morteza shirkoohi / Mountains On Fire / My Cat Is An Alien / neeeeeill / Norman / One Qwarter Horse / Pete Simonelli / Phil Taylor / Philippe Petit / protofuse / RADIO HUMMINGBIRD / raxil4 / Robomatix Rebirth / Ryan Muar / scutopus / Sebastian Engelhardt /Seth Guy / Shaun Duke / SOLARCIRCLES / Steve Sachse / Stu Von Geel / Stuart Craig / swefn / The Dan Haynes Experience / Thomas Evans / Thomas Rex Beverly / Vagabond Dog x Geoff Smokes / Vincent Euliano