Symétrie Tour JAPAN 2016



popmuzik records and gift_lab present France Jobin Symétrie Tour Japan 2016

10-08   Tokyo @gift_lab, (sans repères session, popmuzik records)
10-10   Fukuoka @hidoke no oka (sans repères session, popmuzik records)
10-13   Okayama @pepperland (The Illusion of Infinitesimal session,Baskaru)
10-15   Ibaraki @gallery MINERVA (Singulum session,LINE)
10-16   Tokyo @sakuradai pool (Valence session, LINE)

France Jobin wishes to thank the Canada Council for the Arts and Conseil des arts et des lettes du Québec for its financial support.





live @ L’Arca – L’Arca – Laboratorio per le arti contemporanee may 12 2016


LINE co-presents France Jobin & Fabio Perletta on May 12 in Teramo Italy at L’Arca – Laboratorio per le arti contemporanee

La geografia culturale della contemporaneità sta indiscutibilmente subendo un’ennesima evoluzione: la vituperata estetica del non-luogo, temporanea illusione post-’90 trascinata ignobilmente per tutta la prima decade del nuovo millennio, è, oggi, quantomai deprivata dai suoi significati più profondi. Il web 2.0 e la connettività ne hanno assimilato i contenuti, liberando lo spazio ‘tutto’ dalla subalternità metropolitana. Riscoprire le identità paesaggistiche, urbane ed umane delle realtà ‘locali’ (e localizzate) è forse, ora, il paradigma più adeguato alla germinazione e crescita di incontaminati e primigeni linguaggi e percorsi artistici. In∩Out vuole essere una presa di coscienza, una dimostrazione di esistenza, una prima azione, visionaria, per vivere una città, Teramo, oltre le sue frizioni interno/esterno e scoprendone valori legittimamente internazionalizzabili.


Sullo sfondo del malinconico transito del tempo, France Jobin ricama trame minimaliste di microscopiche ed infinitesimali delicatezze: biologie cristalline colte nel loro divenire, immortalate nella loro mutevolezza, osservate nelle lente ed organiche trasformazioni. Un sistema impercettibile di rifrangenti equilibri, unico nel suo essere, sublime nella sua discrezione. Nella glaciale irrealtà contemporanea, Singulum ci parla di scienza quale epifania della natura, nelle sue debolezze e caducità indaga fra sensibilistiche relazioni particellari scoprendone l’umanità e la fragilità.

Licenziato da LINE nel Febbraio 2016

Un polittico di visioni spaziali compiute. Genkai 限界, scambio intellettuale e sonico fra Fabio Perletta ed Haruo Okada (JP), produce moduli paesaggistici impossibili e limitati nella loro in-confinabilità. In equilibrio fra sottili e dicotomiche relazioni fra pieni e vuoti, il lavoro a quattro mani del riduzionista abruzzese e del sound designer nipponico, ragiona su soluzioni elettroacustiche metafisiche, dove la ‘rappresentazione’, alterata dall’interpretazione, raggiunge, nella sua espressione minima, vastità meditative Zen, tanto libere e cerebrali quanto scientificamente tattili.

Pubblicazione prossima su LINE


19.00 Fabio Perletta
— esegue Genkai 限界 (LINE_080), in collaborazione con Haruo Okada

19.45 France Jobin
— esegue Singulum (LINE_075)

Claudia Di Giuseppe

con offerta sottoscrittiva

+ 39 0861 240732

Marco Marzuoli

L’Arca – Laboratorio per le arti contemporanee
Comune di Teramo
Canada Council for the Arts | Conseil des Arts du Canada


“France Jobin wishes to thank the Canada Council for the Arts for its financial support.”




4.35-R0-413 performed at EMPAC


Photo: Mick Bello

Thursday, October 15th 2015
Concert Hall
110 8th street,
Troy, NY 12180


The electronic music of composer France Jobin can be described as “sound-sculpture,” revealing a minimalist approach to complex sound environments where analog and digital methods intersect. While her music often makes use of restraint and limit, she isn’t one to shy away from extremes. Her skillful interplay between highs and lows, louds and softs, creates an intricate narrative, which stretches the listener’s perception and continually refocuses attention.

Using an array of specifically placed loudspeakers numbering in the dozens, Jobin will present a new work built for the EMPAC Concert Hall.

We’re offering a special ticket package for Thursday and Friday’s shows. For $20 ($10 for RPI students), admission is available to both Oneohtrix Point Never and France Jobin. Call the EMPAC box office at 518-276-3921.

France Jobin is a sound/installation artist, composer, and curator residing in Montreal, Canada. Her installations express a parallel path, incorporating both musical and visual elements inspired by the architecture of physical spaces. Her works can be “experienced” in various music venues and new-technology festivals across Canada, the United States, South America, South Africa, Europe and Japan.

mirror neurons @ roBOT 08 festival Bologna, Italy


Mirror Neurons @ roBOT 08 festival, Bologna, Italy
October 10th 2015 @Palazzo Re Enzo – Sala Re Enzo

France Jobin
Fabio Perlettaxx+xy visuals

Mirror neurons are a fundamental discovery in neuroscience, which is due to an Italian researcher, Giacomo Rizzolatti, and his team at the University of Parma. It is also the base from which the sound artists France Jobin and Fabio Perletta created “Mirror Neurons”, another step of their journey to investigate the crossroads between science and art, between the visible and invisible, between distances and intersections – the two work very far from each other, Jobin lives in Montréal while Perletta lives in Roseto degli Abruzzi but their exchange is continuous and relentless). Finally, the visual work made in a generative matrix by the Roman collective XX+XY visuals makes their performance even richer.

Empac – residency October 5th – 16th 2015, concert etc


Residency – October 5th – October 16th 2015
Concert – October 15th 2015 – 8pm Concert Hall
In conversation :  Mark Fell and France Jobin – October 7th 2015 – 7pm


The electronic music of composer France Jobin can be described as “sound-sculpture,” revealing a minimalist approach to complex sound environments where analog and digital methods intersect. While her music often makes use of restraint and limit, she isn’t one to shy away from extremes. Her skillful interplay between highs and lows, louds and softs, creates an intricate narrative, which stretches the listener’s perception and continually refocuses attention.

Using an array of specifically placed loudspeakers numbering in the dozens, Jobin will present a new work built for the EMPAC Concert Hall.

France Jobin is a sound/installation artist, composer, and curator residing in Montreal, Canada. Her installations express a parallel path, incorporating both musical and visual elements inspired by the architecture of physical spaces. Her works can be “experienced” in various music venues and new-technology festivals across Canada, the United States, South America, South Africa, Europe and Japan.



In conversation : Mark Fell and France Jobin

Often, the mark of excellence in electronic music and sound art is the ability of the composer to hide their identity and virtuosity behind an inscrutable bank of machinery or within the ambient acoustics of the space in which the piece is performed. Whether or not this obfuscation is willful, it results in a genre of music that is vastly diverse in both its effects and technical configurations. In this conversation between Mark Fell and France Jobin, two masters of their understated craft will step forward to engage in dialogue and answer questions about the aesthetics, techniques, and politics of their work.

Fell has been in residence at EMPAC to develop Recursive Frame Analysis, a new work for sound, light, and dance; meanwhile, Jobin has been working on the premiere of a multi-channel sound piece for the Concert Hall.

Mark Fell is a multidisciplinary artist based in Sheffield, UK. He is widely known for combining popular music styles such as electronica and techno with more academic approaches to computer-based composition, with a particular emphasis on algorithmic and mathematical systems. As well as recorded works, he produces installation pieces, often using multiple speaker systems. He started his career in the ’90s house and techno scene as one half of electronic duo SND and released The Neurobiology of Moral Decision Making earlier this year on label The Death of Rave.

France Jobin is a sound/installation artist, composer, and curator residing in Montreal, Canada. Her installations express a parallel path, incorporating both musical and visual elements inspired by the architecture of physical spaces. Her works can be “experienced” in various music venues and new-technology festivals across Canada, the United States, South America, South Africa, Europe and Japan.



LIVE at Portobeseno

June 22nd 2014

France was invited to take part in the artist in residence program of Portobeseno festival in the Trentino region.

The result culminated in a concert at Castel Beseno June 22nd 2014 with live visuals by live visual HYPER!ION

Castello di Beseno
ingresso libero


live visual

installazione audio video

installazione sonora

LIVE at Liminaria

June 28th 2014 at the Belvedere of San Marco Dei Cavoti

France was invited to take part in the artist in residence program of Liminaria festival in the Fortore region.

The result culminated in a concert at the Belvedere of June 28th 2014.