ConcertHall atLe Musee di-visioniste
is very proud to launch edition II of.SoundLab Channel -a joint-venture with
“Memory Channel 7” of this
global networking project by
by Agricola de Cologne, media artist and
New Media curator from Cologne/Germany,
and part of the physical events series in Palestine, Israel and Germany,
entitled: IMPACT ME’05 starting on 17 February at
CAVE Gallery at Bethlehem International Center/Palestine
SoundLab Channel,
a project environment which is focussing
on non-visual aspects of “collective memory”
manifested in soundart -is happy to include on this occasion online three (3) new curatorial contributions
a) from Sofia/Bulgaria
Ivan Bachev, curator and soundartist
is curating soundart works by these Bulgarian artists
1. popcrash
2. skylined
3. navn
4. ambient anarchist
b) from Montreal/Canada – a second curatorial contribution
by Tobias Van Veen who is curating soundart works by:
1. Esther Bourdages
2. I8U
3. Tomas Phillips and Dean King.